
Elecsys 2010 - Roche Diagnostics

Roche Diagnostics Elecsys 2010 has the power and efficiency to meet the needs of medium and large volume testing facilities.

More details

Roche Elecsys 2010, which is available in the form of sample disk or a rack handling system, can be operated in both continuous and random access modes. The throughput rate of this laboratory equipment is 86 tests per hour and on-board capacity is of 15 tests. Elecsys 2010 disk and Elecsys 2010 rack holds 30 and 100 positions for samples respectively.

With Roche Elecsys 2010 system at your workstation, you can attain benefits such as easy and trouble free operation, workflow flexibility, faster turnaround times, broad measuring ranges, and more. Touch screen and easy to use software, two-dimensional barcode technology for reagents, calibrators and controls, liquid, ready-to-use reagents etc are the outstanding features specific to Elecsys 2010.

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